Stub generation
This section assumes you don't have any code-generation task or process. If you already are generating stubs, just make sure your stubs use
and notgrpc
implementation, and that you have TypeScript definitions as well. If doubtful, compare the build task to the one in this section.
Create a cat.proto
syntax = "proto3";
package cats.v1;
service CatRegister {
rpc GetCat (GetCatRequest) returns (Cat) {};
message Cat {
string name = 1;
float health = 2;
int64 level = 3;
message GetCatRequest {
string name = 1;
And create stubs with the following command from installed grpc-tools
npx grpc_tools_node_protoc \
--js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. \
--ts_out=generate_package_definition:. \
--grpc_out=grpc_js:. \
sets destination for JavaScript files for messages--ts_out
generates the relevantd.ts
files without needing to mentiongrpc_tools_node_protoc_ts
sets destination for JavaScript files for gRPC services, sets to use@grpc/grpc-js
implementation (instead of deprecatedgrpc
)- You can use
for import path in your proto files in a larger project, see thebuild:proto
task of ProtoCat, where stubs are compiled before tests
The script should generate the following files:
cat_pb.js # messages from cat.proto
cat_pb.d.ts # (+ types)
cat_grpc_pb.js # services from cat.proto
cat_grpc_pb.d.ts # (+ types)
If you have any issues with the build process, see the grpc-tools